At Multiply Church, we believe in engaging, equipping and empowering a multi-cultural community of disciples to live life on mission. During our weekly gatherings, we create an authentic, prescriptive-free environment for our congregation to worship God through communal practices that deepen our faith.
Since we first began gathering in 2018, we have understood that the church is not a building or a Sunday event. We believe that living life on mission happens every day of the week and in every aspect of our lives. So, we remain nimble and hold loosely to systems and programs, ever-seeking the movement and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We believe our role as Christ followers is to fulfill our three callings to:
Worship God
Make Disciples
Pursue a Kingdom Cause
Discipleship weaves through our DNA. We believe that a disciple is someone who receives Jesus as Savior, worships Jesus as King and obeys Jesus as Lord. Discipleship emerges as we are led and lead others to practice the way of Jesus. This is a continual, conscious and communal pursuit of seeking God and abiding in Him as we travel the narrow road of becoming, being and making disciples.
At Multiply, we believe that a Kingdom Cause is a specific labor we undertake to proclaim good news to the poor, liberate the captives, open the eyes of the blind or free those who are oppressed (based on Isaiah 42:7).
To fulfill these callings, we must hear from the Lord and be obedient to Him. A regular rhythm of engaging in spiritual practices helps us hear from God, so that we may faithfully walk out these three callings. A few key practices include:
Prayer ushers us into communion with God. Prayer provides an opportunity to listen and wait, as we are transformed. It reminds us to repeatedly ask that “Thy will be done” instead of my will. At Multiply, we pray individually through our days and communally during Sunday gatherings. We offer prayers of praise and lament, and make space for times of listening and waiting.
Opportunity: The Prayer Labyrinth at the Chapel at Morning Star in Matthews
On the first Friday of every month, we abstain from food and drink (other than water) for a day, so that we may be in prayer and communion with God, seeking His wisdom through the Holy Spirit. This practice reminds us that God is our sustainer, and it provides us with the opportunity to come to Him in prayer and humility.
As 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Through studying scripture, we allow ourselves to be changed and transformed from the inside out. We don’t come to Scripture to absorb information, but to better understand the character of God and the example of Jesus. That’s why we read and study scripture in our daily lives.
Reading Plan: Bible Project | One Story that Leads to Jesus
We are a congregation of everyday, ordinary missionaries. Serving others starts at home and infiltrates every aspect of our lives, including our kitchen tables, our workplaces and our text messages. We believe that service means inviting others into our lives and living in authentic, multiethnic community. Our gatherings are a time of equipping the congregation to live life on mission every day.
Local Organizations: Ways to serve in the Charlotte area
Casey Crimmins
Casey was born and reared in Albany, NY, but has converted to life in the South.
After almost a decade in corporate America working for General Electric, Casey transitioned to full time vocational ministry in 2014. Since falling in love with the Queen City, he has found great joy in connecting with churches and leaders from across the city now serves as Senior Director of Network Development for ForCharlotte in addition to being a pastor of Multiply.
Casey is married to Tanya and they have four fun-filled children—Isaiah, Kaydence, Jonah and Asher—whose energy never seems to run out!
Stephen Knopp
Stephen was born in Parkersburg, WV, and reared by way of Baltimore, MD, and Durham, NC, prior to settling with his family in Matthews, NC. Following seminary, Stephen served as a student pastor to middle school and high school students, an executive pastor overseeing ministries and business operations, a senior pastor, and most recently helped launch a modern worship venue within a large United Methodist church.
Stephen is married to the funniest woman he’s ever known, Emily, who was born and reared here in Charlotte. They have three children: Caleb, William and Lilly.
If you have questions or would like to know if this aspiring movement of misfits on mission might be a place for you, please reach out and contact our pastors today.